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Monday, September 9, 2024

The Good. The Random. The Fun - Sept. 9, 2024

 Well it's been awhile since I've joined in at Tamar's blog for:
The Good. The Random. The Fun. - Shame on me.  Anyway here goes:

The Good:

My nephew (Richie) got married on the 3rd.  Snapped this shot of him and his bride (Courtney) at the ceremony.  More photos of the wedding to follow in another post.

The Random:

Sometimes I take random photos of things that catch my eye.  This is a piece of tubing laying outside on the concrete by our back door.  Which do you prefer, Colored or Black and White?

The Fun:
Someone had a birthday on the 1st.  Her she is having some fun with her cupcakes and decorations.

and one more having some fun in a bouncy house at another event this week (Wheelin' Walla Walla Car Parade)

Be sure to stop by Tamar's blog and check out some of the other participants.


  1. congratulations to your nephew and his bride. and happy birthday to this happy girl. I really enjoy the black and white photos, unless it is something without outstanding color. Enjoy your day.

  2. Congratulations to your nephew and his new bride.
    I think I like the black and white of your random shot.
    Happy Birthday to JoJo. She's such a cutie

  3. What joyful photos of the girls! I think I like the color photo of the tube best. It seems to show more dimension.

  4. I think the black and white shows more details, I love random finds. Looks like a pin the fish on the aquarium, if so what a great idea. congratulations to the bride and groom.


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