Last Saturday Grandma and Grandpa took Coleen to the Cowboy Breakfast and Kids Rodeo that the local Community College holds every year. She went to the actual Rodeo the night before with her mommy but I don't have any pictures of that to share.
At the kids Rodeo they have things for them to do like Ride a Horse, Rope Cows (not real ones), Get tossed around in the Clowns Barrel etc...
First let me show you Coleen's Pancake from the breakfast. They allowed the kids to decorate their pancakes with various items. Here is Coleen's
Petting one of the Goats
Riding the Horse - This is her favorite thing to do.
Lastly a little Video of her Roping. Be sure to have your volume on and watch her face after she High-Fives the Cowboy helping with the roping.
That's it for this weeks edition of "Whatever" Wednesday.
Yes, great photos, really funny, I like the barrel.