So now let's join in on some fun with Good Fences and a new photo art Meme called, Photo Art Thursday. I've combined the two of them today with my photos.

First up I spotted this stone wall/fence and trees while out driving one day. I just liked the way the trees looked that day and decided to snap a photo. The next 2 shots show the same scene jazzed up a little and then turned into some photo art.
Click to enlarge photos.
I played around using 3 different photo editing sites to come up with the final photo. Pic Monkey, Pixlr-o-Matic and BeFunky were all used here to create the final scene.
Now one more before we go because it's just so much fun to create photo art .
Another Fence scene that I spotted on this same drive around town.
I found the stump of the tree inside the fence to be interesting and of course the weathered look of the fence as well. So here is the "artistic" version of this scene.
I hope you've enjoyed seeing the fences in real life and in photo art. Do stop by both Theresa and Cherie's blogs to check out the other participants.
Cherie's is a new meme so be sure to spread the word so more people will join in on the fun.