This is my first time joining in this meme but I think it's a good one to participate in.
The first 5 things are also part of WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE
1. Last week while dealing with our computer issues I was driving out to WalMart to try and find a DSL Modem to replace the one we had that had gone bad due to a "power surge" earlier in the week. So I am stopped at a traffice light when I hear a loud pop followed by another pop and a jolt to our van. - We had been rear ended because the car behind us had been rear ended and it threw them into the back of our van. - I got out and looked at the damage to the van and told the driver of the car behind me I wasn't even going to worry about it and he could deal with the car that hit him. So I'm thankful that we weren't hurt and that this was the only damage to our van.
2. I'm thankful for my Granddaughter, Coleen and the fact that she wants to share fun little things with her Grandma. Her teacher showed the kids a website the other day at school and Coleen had to show it to me. - Warning it's addictive. It's called: Quick Draw - Just click on the link and have fun.
3. We've had so much rain this month we've almost needed row boats to get around (well it seems that way) so I'm thankful that today it's not raining and my daffodils look like this...
Instead of this:
4. I'm thankful for being able to see this yesterday on a short little drive I took with my mom.
It's always fun to spot this group of deer that hang out in a residential area.
5. I'm thankful for cute birthday gifts like this solar flower that I got from my daughter & granddaughter for my birthday last week & for everyone that has wished me a Happy B-Day recently.
It's pretty during the day just as it is and at night that little ball in the center changed colors. So pretty.
6. I'm thankful for: Peanut Butter...yes, it's my go to breakfast when we are short on grocery money and I can even eat it right out of the jar for a snack too. Yum!
7. I'm thankful for Casper The Friendly Squirrel...that's what I've named this little fellow who is always willing to come and take peanuts from my hand. - Coleen was able to get a picture of him yesterday taking peanuts from me.
Coleen asked me how I knew which squirrel it was and I can tell you this little fellow has a stubby tail and I know it's him by his tail and the fact he isn't afraid to take the peanuts out of my hand like most of the other squirrels are.
8. I'm thankful that my husband has been able to find jobs to help keep money coming in as it's been really "tight" budget wise since he retired and now has to depend on finding work on his own.
9. I'm thankful for all our kitties (Miss Dottie, Callie-Jo, Harley, Captain Cuddles, Ghost, Spooky-Boo, Bandit, Pepper, and Caramel Honeybun) as they always make me smile. Like Miss Dottie here cramming herself into a cardboard box that was way to small but she managed to fit inside it.
10. I'm thankful for everyone who stops by my blog and leaves a comment or just stops in because it makes me feel goo to know you've been by. - I hope you've enjoyed your stay here today.
Have a great weekend.
...we all have a lot to be thankful for, Happy Belated Birthday! Good that your were not hurt. I'm thankful for our rain, it was so dry last year. I enjoy the deer, but not when they eat my landscaping. Few things beat peanut butter. Enjoy your weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting -
ReplyDeleteAND - for Quick Draw - i played with it for a bit before reading the rest of your blog post . . aren't i a silly? I sure appreciate your "attitude of gratitude."
So glad to see you had dropped in and i will be back later to read more and catch up with you but i wanted to wish you a very happy birthday and i love the cute flower! Abd WHY OH WHY do kitties DO THAT box thing!!? Ha ha lol mine do it too--- its weird and also cute! That is one friendly squirrel there--- i would be so afraid be would bite me! Ha ha i grab peanut butter on bread or crackers sometimes too--- very quick source of quick protein and energy
ReplyDeleteSo glad you weren't hurt!!
ReplyDeleteI am always grateful for peanut butter. Or any nut butter!!
Hi Ida, So thankful you were no injured and damage to your van was minimal. You and Coleen have always had a sweet/close relationship. I have enjoyed watching her grow on your blog. That squirrel is amazing! So happy Coleen captured a picture. John loves peanut butter too. It is a good treat for a diabetic, also. The photo of Miss Dottie cracks me up! They all love boxes. Wishing you and yours a blessed weekend.
ReplyDeleteNature surrounds you... deer, the squirrel and all those kitties. What joy they all must bring.
ReplyDeleteFun photos, except for the car. Glad you weren't hurt!
ReplyDeleteI had the same thing happen to me when I was sitting at a stoplight. It was probably 30 years ago that it happened. There was a pickup in front of my that didn't get damaged at all and it was a small delivery type truck that hit me from behind. My car got a lot of damage.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool that the squirrel will take the peanut right from your hand.
Just tried that quick draw. That's pretty fun but hard to draw some of the things in 20 seconds
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for those who stop by my blog to. and the cat in the box made me laugh. they do love boxes even when they are a tight fit. peanut butter toast is my breakfast at least 3 times a week and sometimes 4 or 5. I love it. also love it out of the jar. your solar flower is really pretty. and that squirrel is so cute
ReplyDeleteThese are fabulous photos and many things to be thankful for! I can't get over the friendly squirrel :)
ReplyDeleteA lovely gratitude post Ida. It is always good to count our blessings to keep ourselves feeling happy. Enjoy your weekend,
What a great list. I particularly like the 'peanut butter' entry, because I love it too! I could happily eat quite a lot of it out of the jar with a spoon!
ReplyDeleteWell, it is so nice to meet you. Peanut butter is one of life's most perfect foods in my book. It's full of nutrition and tastes great. You were certainly kind about that fender bender. Love the daffodil photos. It's been raining lots here, too. Looking forward to some sunshine, but I don't know when. Hope to see you again.
ReplyDeleteExcellent TToT this week! (I always enjoy a list with photos to either compliment a point or illustrate something being mentioned. Val over at Musings and Wanderings is also good at this kind of post.)
ReplyDeleteWe get deer coming out of the woods at our house, whenever I see one I stop and see how difficult it is to see the others, sometimes they are standing right there, but it took seeing the first one to see the rest of them
have a good week
I really enjoyed reading these Ida!
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Ida! I was so delighted to see your link pop in, joining us for Ten Things of Thankful! I truly do think it's the nicest, best way to wrap up each week in a positive frame of mind! You've come up with a great list here too! I love the gorgeous daffodils you have, and the herd of deer you got to see. They seem almost magical at times, don't they? Seeing you feed the squirrel from your hand brought back sweet memories of my Grandma doing the same thing from her porch step when we used to visit her a children. We always thought it quite amazing that the squirrel had come to trust her that much! It sounds like you had a good birthday too. The solar flower is a cool gift!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful that nether you or your vehicle were seriously hurt, rear-end accidents can be so bad! You were kind to let it go, and I know that kindness will be returned to you in some form some day. I understand about pay and the effort it takes to keep everything covered, and I am glad your husband has been able to earn some extra income. Since I lost my job last year things have been pretty tight for us too, but so far we are getting through each day and I am looking for ways to bring in a little more cash to help my husband who works so hard. He will be 64 in a couple more months and would love to retire or at least semi-retire before too much longer.
If you've visited my blog, you've seen those four beautiful furry faces on the sidebar and you know that my furkids are the joy in our lives! Nothing fills up the quiet corners of a house once the kids are out on their own, than sweet kitties with their never-ending antics! And why is it that the largest cats always choose the tiniest boxes to try to squeeze in to? Our Tiggy will work and work to stuff herself into a box even though the living room is a jumble of larger ones to hang out in! :-) Have a really good week ahead, thank you for sharing your blessings with us!
Aren't Little's the best :) Your grand daughter sounds like a sweetheart <3 The squirrel is amazing :) So pretty. Your post made me smile and for that I am grateful. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and best wishes to your husband in his employment hunt!
ReplyDeleteYou take beautiful pictures. Thanks so much for sharing...
ReplyDeleteAlways refreshes my soul to see things to be thank fun for and your photos are lovely Ida! That is one bold little squirrel. He is friendly, but do be careful. I was once bitten by an also friendly squirrel, and resulted in some very undesirable rabies shots. My squirrel just got a little too friendly. Love your kitty in that tiny box/
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy list! I love peanut butter and jelly on toast sandwiches. One of my favorite lunches or before bedtime snack.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, and welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful! I'm glad the accident wasn't worse. In my neck of the woods, coyotes are the often-spotted wild animals, but I think I prefer your deer. :-)
ReplyDeleteso glad no one was hurt in the accident..
ReplyDeletewe love peanut butter, too. When my daddy was in the service during WW2, he got really sick and spent several months in the hospital in India...he was able to get jars of Peanut Butter, which he ate right out of the jar, too....he always said it saved his life.
Love all the nature. This post is rich with plant and animal life. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteDeer, peanut butter and cats - thats a great combination (and it seems to be crunchy PB as well!)
ReplyDeleteCheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
Hi Ida! These are all wonderful things to be thankful for! I also am thankful for the little things...sometimes they meant he most, don't they? Have a blessed week!
ReplyDeleteyour daffodils are gorgeous...i pretty much lost mine in the snow!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, it was great to see you again. You sure have a lot of kitties! I love cats so much and have lived with several. It's just not a good idea up here with the coyotes outside and my small house with large dogs inside. And I keep a gratitude journal, or a journal with gratitude at the end of my posts. Maybe I should do that on my blog posts too?
ReplyDeleteI just love seeing daffodils on the posts this week - my favorite flower!
ReplyDeleteLast spring we had a bit of a fender bender like that in a parking lot. No one was hurt and damage to our car was cosmetic. I'd love to have it fixed, but hey, sometimes that sort of thing is just not in the budget. Sadly, insurance will only cover above the deductible. So that's on the "not urgent" list. I completely understand the tight budget weeks. Husband and I have both been working through dramatic career changes the last five years for various reasons and there are some weeks when that budget just does not stretch one more bit. Hang in there - and keep lots of peanut butter around! :D
Have a great week!
Cats sure do enjoy getting into boxes! I imagine that your many cats all look forward to things that come in boxes and want to claim any new box. That is such a cute solar flower your granddaughter gave you. I'm glad that your car wasn't more severely damaged, and I hope that you didn't get a whiplash from the impact. Our "residential deer" haven't been around as much lately. I suspect when they show up there are going to be some fawns with them.
ReplyDeleteYour deer through the trees is a magical picture! Love Casper too!
ReplyDeleteHi Ida - wonderful photos and sweet things to be grateful for. Love your friendly squirrel and kitty in the box. Happy Belated Birthday to you, too. Sending hugs xo Karen
ReplyDeleteIt is 06:15 and I can't sleep longer so I am reading your blog. Your narcissus are so Nice and I also love the photo with you and the squarrel. Great pictures. Thank you also for visiting my blog.
ReplyDeleteSo many things to be thankful for and so many had me giggling! The trained squirrel! LOL- what a character. Love the deer photo- so lucky to get that one! Happy Birthday a little late! Love the solar flower! Cats in boxes, and all the kitty names...I have many, too. AND the peanut butter! I eat it out of a jar a spoonful at a time! Have a happy week and enjoy the sunshine...we might get snow tonight. Won't be much, but the thought of it is too much for me! I plan on bed early and sleeping in, but if I do wake in the middle of the night- I AM NOT LOOKING OUT A WINDOW!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice list of thankful things! So glad your van wasn't hurt! So funny to see your cat in the box, cats sure do love to find unique hiding spots! Enjoyed your thankful post today! Hugs to you :)
ReplyDeletePeanut butter is my favorite food, honestly. What pretty animals and scenery around your home. Hope you have all your computer issues fixed..l I hate when the nags go wrong with mine.
ReplyDeleteSuch a happy thankfulness list! Love your kitty names.