

If your are here to see CARDS please visit my "Crafting Blog"

This blog is a "Political" free blog - I will not post any political opinions here as I believe that everyone should be entitled to their own opinion and not be put down for their beliefs or subjected to others personal political beliefs.

Thank you for your visits and comments. They are greatly appreciated. I'll try hard to return the favor on your blogs. Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Caturday Art - July 17, 2021

 It's another warm summer day here in "Wally World"  - 
(aka Walla Walla).  Spending time working on cards and emails today.  
Last week I prepared a photo for Caturday Art and didn't get around to posting so I'll do it today.

Original (SOOC) Straight out of Camera shot first:  This is Speedy G (although he doesn't look very speedy in this shot.)

Now for my Art piece....

Several different effects from BeFunky were used to create this.  I rather like it.

Have a great day & thanks for stopping by.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Willy Nilly Friday Five - July 9, 2021

 Welcome!  Well summer is moving along quickly.  We broke some records in our area for heat recently with a temp of 116.  So far I'm surviving the heat mainly because I stay inside where it's cool.

Anyway time to join Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:
1.  Summer Clouds

2. Purple Bells. - One of the new perennials I bought this year.

3. Munch mouth.  The heat hasn't stopped them from coming to the feeders everyday.  

4.  Rock Camp - Coleen participated in the (Rock Camp) last month.  They were unable to hold it last year.  The first year she participated she played drums.  This year she played a Bass Guitar and sang.

5.  Baby Fix

 6. Cat Nap - Caramel & Bandit usually don't sleep together so this was a rare sight.

 7.  My heart bleeds for you (or me).  - Caramel got scared when I tried to pick her up and she cut my hand.  I used a paper towel to wipe the blood and when I looked at the towel I saw this:

 That's it for this edition. - Hope you are enjoying your summer. - I ended up getting (Shingles) last week. - I'm doing very well though and healing quickly.  No photo of that though as it's not a pretty sight.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Checking In

Today's post is a "test" post to see if you are still getting my posts since the switchover from e-mail subscriptions.  If you follow by e-mail please let me know if this post showed up in your email.

This car was a photo that I used for the 52 Frames project for the week, (Just Breathe).