Hi! I hope you've all had a great week. As you know (or maybe you don't) if you've visited my blog this week I celebrated a Birthday on Tuesday. - It was a wonderful day and also the 1st Day of Spring. Of course here in "Wally World" (aka Walla Walla, WA) we had rain for the first day of spring. - To top it off on Thursday we got snow! - It didn't last long though and was melted by the end of the day. - Back to overcast skies and forecasts of rain to come.
Last week I missed out on SHS and I didn't want to miss 2 weeks in a row so I managed to take some photos for most of the prompts and a couple from the Archives to complete the set.
This weeks prompts were: Whimsy, Create, Dust, Seed or Sprout, Swing or Drop.
This is a mural of a local toy store. It's quite controversial here as the owner of the building apparently failed to ask permission to have the mural painted and then the City Officials or someone got a burr up their (you know what) and decided to take him to court over it. The doggone case has dragged on for at least 2 years now and he could stand to owe the city over $45,000 dollars if they eventually rule against him. - To me the whole debate over this mural is just ridiculous. - At any rate it's a very "Whimsical" mural none the less.

I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to use for this prompt and then this morning Coleen was helping her Grandpa with mud ding over some spots on her bedroom wall so he could paint it. I loved the expression here on her face as she's concentrating on putting the mud on her wall. She looks as if she's studying a canvas like a painter would. (Don't you love that tongue sticking out of her mouth!)
DUST: - Okay I've seen Ashley's post and unlike Ashley, there is usually plenty of dust around my house. It's one of those chores that often gets shoved off to the side (so to speak) until I get around to doing it. I confess to considering finding some dusty area and writing "Dust Me" in the dust but then I decided to go with a different kind of dust. - I took some pictures last fall out at my husband's workshop and found this one to be interesting for some reason. I give you.....
Sawdust! - Hey, it's a type of dust. - Archived photo
SEED or SPROUT - This is my favorite of the set because it's both a seed and a sprout in one shot.

I happened to notice these in a neighbors yard so I went in search of one in our own yard. These are the seed pods from Maple trees. - We call them,
"Helicopters" or "Whirlybirds" As you can see the seed pod is standing upright in the grass because a new little maple tree sprout has routed and is emerging from the shell of the seed. Pretty cool!
SWING OR DROP - This one is my other "Archived" photo. Taken last Fall on one of my trips to the park with Coleen. She loves to swing and you can see that from the joyful look on her face.
So the prompts for next week are: Clouds, Sunflare, Seven, High Angle and Low Angle.
Do stop in at Ashley's blog and view some of the other entrants blogs as well. Lots of great stuff to be found by stopping by.