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Thank you for your visits and comments. They are greatly appreciated. I'll try hard to return the favor on your blogs. Have a wonderful day.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Awww Mondays - July 31, 2023


Happy Monday - Today I'm joining Awww Mondays.
We have some fun and exciting news to share.  Our family has grown!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to our newest edition....

 Last Friday I spotted this little cutie on the Humane Society's website.  I called hubby and asked if we could adopt another cat.  He said, send pictures so I did. - Shortly after they opened we went down to see her.  The name they had given her was, Marion.  My late mother's first name was, Marian (with an "a") so we decided to change the spelling and give her the middle name of Alethe, since that was Mike's mothers first name.  She just passed away on July 8th.  We both thought of this individually and then told each other about it. (Kismet, or it was meant to be).

We decided to call her, Maky (pronounced, Mack-E) the MAK is for our moms and we added the "y" for the (e sound) as cats tend to come better when you call them if there is an e sound in their name.

She is fitting in quite well and surprisingly the other cats are adjusting to her without hardly any fuss at all.

Just look at that sweet little face.  We couldn't resist her.  So yes now we have, 8 cats again but the joy they bring us is worth it!
One last bit of cuteness and it's off to work on Monday chores for me.
Thanks for stopping by.



Friday, July 21, 2023

Feline Friday - July 21, 2023

Well I haven't joined in on Feline Friday for awhile so I thought today I would share our feline's with you all.

This is our oldest cat,  Harley J - He turned 15 in May of this year.

Next up is our cat, Bandit - He turned 8 in May of this year.

Next in line is my sweet, Caramel who will be 7 in September.

Continuing on with Speedy G - Who will be 6 in October.

Next up is Gidget who turned 4 in February of this year.

Followed next by,  Rowdy who turns 2 in September.

Bringing up the rear (last but not least) is, Rascal (not to be confused with Bandit) - He turned 1 in April of this year.

That rounds out the furry kitty family here.  They do keep us busy!

Feel free to participate in the hop.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Ducky Derby 2023

Another May event:  The annual Ducky Derby.  This was held Mother's Day weekend as well.  In fact that weekend 4 different events were held here.  You could attend all of them or pick and choose which you want to attend as they were all at different places and times throughout the weekend.
This year I don't have as many photos of different things from the Ducky Derby as it was way to HOT outside for me so I spent most of my time sitting in the shade.  Coleen/Jupiter took her little sister, Joelle (aka JoJo) around to do all the fun kids stuff.
                   The two sisters in front of the Big Duck

Izzy the Camel - JoJo did reach out to pet him.  Just didn't get a good picture as there were too many people in the way.

JoJo got a duck painted on her cheek.  She looks like she's about to cry here but she wasn't. - Her cheeks were already getting pretty rosy from the sun.
                           Waiting for the ducks to be released.
                                            And they are off!
The official photographer for the paper taking pictures of the ducks.
                A sea of ducks racing toward the finish line.
                Up and down they go on their merry way.
                                  Ducks and more Ducks
I always like to find one lone duck in a shot with a bunch of others ahead of it.  That's this years shot.
Normally I would have pictures of the ducks at the finish line but by then I was so hot I needed to just go home where it was much cooler so we didn't even stay to see the end of the race. 
 Once again none of my 5 ducks won but I'll try again next year.


Friday, July 14, 2023

Balloon Stampede 2023

 Well hello! - Yes, life is carrying on. - Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts/prayers for my hubby (Mike).  He is doing well although still not able to drive - He has an appointment next Friday to see if they will release him for driving again. - We've had several doctor appointments since he got out of the hospital so I've been buy being his taxi service.  I'm just glad he's getting around as well as he is.  He even cleaned the top of the stove and did the pots/pans this morning!

So I'm a bit behind on events here but today I'm going to share a few photos I took from our 2023 Hot Air Balloon stampede.  This was held Mother's Day weekend.

These first few shots are balloons that came up in our neighborhood.

Looking down the street from our house.  I think I walked part way down the street to get this shot.

I like this shot even though the balloon is blurred.  It looks so pretty with the dogwood in bloom.

That rocket shaped balloon is one of my favorites.  You can see it in an older post HERE

These next shots were taken from Tietan Street Park where the launch was held.  - This particular day though they weren't able to fly due to windy weather.  Instead they just inflated them for people to stop by and view.


This apple balloon was one of my favorites.

 I didn't attend the night glow but maybe next year as I'd love to get some pictures of it.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day.