SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY hosted by Ashley Sisk (Ramblings and Photos)

The prompts this week were:
Favorite, Angled, Curved, Cropped and Texture.
Click to Enlarge Photos
My first photo also serves as the last of the 3 Day Quote Challenge I was nominated to participate in.
I'm foregoing nominating people today. If you feel you'd like to give this a try go ahead and post to your blog and let me know you took up the challenge.
I took this shot of Coleen at Bennington lake recently and just loved the way it turned out. It's one of my "favorite" photos of her.
I did an "angled" shot of Bandit sleeping on the couch. You will also notice the odd angle that he's sleeping at. I don't know how cats manage to be comfortable in such weird positions.
I loved the "curved" roof/porch on this house. It's so different.CROPPED:
I took this picture of a crow in some tree branches and then "cropped" it to show the details of the crow better.
I'm loving the "texture"of the moss, grass and Ivy in this shot.
It was fun finally finding all the prompts for the week and joining in. I hope to do so more often this year.
For those who might want to participate next week here are the prompts:
Have a wonderful start to your week.