This is my first time joining in this meme but I think it's a good one to participate in.
The first 5 things are also part of WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE
1. Last week while dealing with our computer issues I was driving out to WalMart to try and find a DSL Modem to replace the one we had that had gone bad due to a "power surge" earlier in the week. So I am stopped at a traffice light when I hear a loud pop followed by another pop and a jolt to our van. - We had been rear ended because the car behind us had been rear ended and it threw them into the back of our van. - I got out and looked at the damage to the van and told the driver of the car behind me I wasn't even going to worry about it and he could deal with the car that hit him. So I'm thankful that we weren't hurt and that this was the only damage to our van.
2. I'm thankful for my Granddaughter, Coleen and the fact that she wants to share fun little things with her Grandma. Her teacher showed the kids a website the other day at school and Coleen had to show it to me. - Warning it's addictive. It's called: Quick Draw - Just click on the link and have fun.
3. We've had so much rain this month we've almost needed row boats to get around (well it seems that way) so I'm thankful that today it's not raining and my daffodils look like this...
Instead of this:
4. I'm thankful for being able to see this yesterday on a short little drive I took with my mom.
It's always fun to spot this group of deer that hang out in a residential area.
5. I'm thankful for cute birthday gifts like this solar flower that I got from my daughter & granddaughter for my birthday last week & for everyone that has wished me a Happy B-Day recently.
It's pretty during the day just as it is and at night that little ball in the center changed colors. So pretty.
6. I'm thankful for: Peanut Butter...yes, it's my go to breakfast when we are short on grocery money and I can even eat it right out of the jar for a snack too. Yum!
7. I'm thankful for Casper The Friendly Squirrel...that's what I've named this little fellow who is always willing to come and take peanuts from my hand. - Coleen was able to get a picture of him yesterday taking peanuts from me.
Coleen asked me how I knew which squirrel it was and I can tell you this little fellow has a stubby tail and I know it's him by his tail and the fact he isn't afraid to take the peanuts out of my hand like most of the other squirrels are.
8. I'm thankful that my husband has been able to find jobs to help keep money coming in as it's been really "tight" budget wise since he retired and now has to depend on finding work on his own.
9. I'm thankful for all our kitties (Miss Dottie, Callie-Jo, Harley, Captain Cuddles, Ghost, Spooky-Boo, Bandit, Pepper, and Caramel Honeybun) as they always make me smile. Like Miss Dottie here cramming herself into a cardboard box that was way to small but she managed to fit inside it.
10. I'm thankful for everyone who stops by my blog and leaves a comment or just stops in because it makes me feel goo to know you've been by. - I hope you've enjoyed your stay here today.
Have a great weekend.