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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Willy Nilly Friday Five - April 27, 2018

Joining in on WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE (just a bit late).

It's been a super busy and hectic week.  More on that in a minute.

1.  Remember last week's WNFF Jurrasic Park Car....see post below.  Well they invaded the fair grounds.  Here's one of them trying to eat the Education Building.

2.  Saturday we got a new bed and mattress.  Sunday Speedy the cat got sick.  He ate Easter Grass, Candy wrappers & ribbon.  Had to spend Monday at the Vets doing a $360.00 Barium Study to make sure nothing got stuck in his intestines.  He's fine but the Vet bill over $400 wasn't so much fun.
 On the left, Caramel enjoying the new bed.  On the right, Speedy G recovering from his trip to the Vet.
3.  A sure sign of spring around here is when "Woody" the woodpecker returns to peck on the telephone pole next door.
4.  Another sign of spring...When my mom's French Lilac tree blooms and perfumes the air.

5.  Finally on Tuesday Coleen had her knee surgery to repair the tendon in her knee that hold your knee cap in place.  She's doing okay but mastering crutches  has been a challenge for her.

Needless to say between taking care of a sick cat, an 89 year old mother and a kid out of surgery the week hasn't exactly been a barrel of laughs but we are surviving.

Till next time...Have a great day.


  1. Sorry you are having such a bad week.

  2. Oh My, you've had a time of it! I hope she heals up fast from the surgery, it looks like it was arthroscopic. Poor speedy! He must have really wanted that Easter basket! The ribbon is bad, it can twist around the intestines and shut off blood flow. So glad you got him to the vet so quickly! We have a lilac bush outside our door. But your French one looks a bit different. How is the French lilac different from regular? Yours has a much deeper color than ours.

  3. Poor Coleen, Poor Speedy and OH MY POOR POOR YOU, dealing with all of this PLUS the money it cost. who knew an Easter basket could be so expensive. the lilac is gorgeous... Hope this coming week is a good one for you. when i started the blog and you said new mattress, i thought the cat threw up on the new mattress. i was going ahead of your story in my MIND

  4. ...first off, I are not late! grandkids would love this dinosaur.
    ...just like having kids. would think that "Woody" would rather peck on a tree.
    ...lilacs are a ways off for us.
    ...heal quickly.
    ...things will get better!
    Thanks for stopping by Ida!

  5. I hope this week is better than last week.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. Hope Coleen and Speedy have a quick recovery. I love lilacs but have never had any luck growing them

  7. Speedy had me worried for a second! Glad he is okay. Love the dinosaur photo!

  8. I soooooo feel your pain! I'm overwhelmed with adulting as well. Seems like most cats luv to chew/eat ribbon and that Easter grass! I'm always amazed at the price of vet bills when they're trying to figure out what's wrong with an animal. It must be hard since they can't really tell us how they feel! Lilacs are one of my all-time favorite spring scents. A Korean Spice Viburnum is a close second. Hoping Colleen's recovery and rehab is successful. Our daughter had two knee surgeries after gymnastics and cheerleading. Happy Spring, and I hope you're doing well despite life's attempts otherwise! xoxo

  9. Wow! There is so much on your plate. Add in the T-Rex eating the education building and oh my!
    Hang in there Ida! Things will smooth out in time.

  10. Oh bless her heart- that looks like it hurts! Poor kitty, too...and the vet bill to boot. You have had a week!

  11. Oh, poor Coleen! Crutches are not fun...I had them years ago. I am wondering what happened to her...going to try to go back through your blog. I hope she gets along good. Your life sounds hectic beyond measure. I am glad Speedy is okay...Caramel is so, so pretty....

  12. Ouch! That kitty kat turned out to have expensive tastes! But I'm glad that he's none the worse for the experience. Poor Coleen. I wish her a speedy recovery. My husband had that operation a couple of years' ago, and it took him several months to get over it properly. I'm sure, being a lot younger, Coleen will progress more quickly. I love your mum's lilac. It's such a rich purple. I love the scent of lilac - it really is the fragrance of springtime. Wishing you strength to cope with everything. All the best, B


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