

If your are here to see CARDS please visit my "Crafting Blog"

This blog is a "Political" free blog - I will not post any political opinions here as I believe that everyone should be entitled to their own opinion and not be put down for their beliefs or subjected to others personal political beliefs.

Thank you for your visits and comments. They are greatly appreciated. I'll try hard to return the favor on your blogs. Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - August 31, 2014

Hello & Welcome.  -  I'm back today to join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for her wonderful Meme,  SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.

I've been absent for a few months and really wanted to
join in on the fun again so let's get started.

The prompts this week were:  Back to School, Family, Books, Portrait and Detail.

BACK TO SCHOOL:  School doesn't start here until Tuesday so I didn't get any photo's of Coleen heading back to school for this prompt.  Instead....

The fresh painted SCHOOL crossing sign on the street.
FAMILY:  I took this at the concert the other night.

Coleen,  Kelly (my new Son-in-law) and my hubby, Mike.  They all seem to have that (huh? glazed look on their faces.)  That's my FAMILY!
BOOKS:  This one stumped me a little but here is my interpretation...

 Most of these Movies were at one time BOOKS.


I took this PORTRAIT photo of Spooky-boo the other day and added a frame so it would look more like an actual portrait.

 I love how the Black and White processing really brought out the DETAIL

on this spent flower head.  I was trying out some Black and White photography today and this was one of the photos that I took. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

It's Friday - Let's Party!

My gosh this week has flown by.   But it's been good.

So what's up for today?  Let's see how about some Willy Nilly Friday 5
hosted by Tanya (Around Roanoke....A Daily Photo Blog)

Throw in Feline Friday hosted by Steve (The Burnt Food Dude) and add in some

Fill-In Fun hosted by Hilary (Feeling Beachie)

 1.  It's been a good week.  I've actually had fun just relaxing and blogging this week.
Here Captain Cuddles has found his special place to relax.  Mine has been taking photos, editing, blogging and just enjoying life this week.


Feline Friday is easy to do. All you have to do is post a picture of a cat on your website. It could be a photo of your pet cat, a LOL cat or a drawn picture.

Grab the code and paste it on your page.

Add a link to your cat page.

(Note: You will be able to add your page link from 12:15 am (00:15) East Coast USA time on Friday to 11:55 pm (23:55) Sunday night

1. BFDude  9. Kathe W.  
2. bethere2day  10. CREATE WITH JOY  
3. Kitty Par-TAY  11. messymimi  
4. Marg  12. Recipes, Flashbacks & Let’s be Friends  
5. Comedy Plus  13. Digger & Sabrina Would Love Your Visit  
6. Uncle Skip  14. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life  
7. Mike Golch  15. Oh My Heartsie Girl  
8. Ida P. Krause  16. Just Cats  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
2.  Last Friday we had a Thunderstorm (with hail).  Coleen wanted to go outside and stand out in the rain and hail.  Grandpa told her to hold a pan over her head.  Doesn't she look like she's having fun.  Children find joy even in the midst of storms.  I find joy in watching her.
3.  Wednesday our local Fair kicked off with the concert.  It featured the Marshall Tucker Band as the opening act and then the featured act was,
Charlie Daniels!  I'm not a huge fan of country music but this was more country/rock so I enjoyed myself.  I took tons of pictures (some turned out, some did not) but this is one of my favorites.  You really can't see the band that well but I liked it because of the people in the crowd with their phones out snapping away.
4.  The 4 O'Clocks finally bloomed.  My mom grew these from seeds this year and then planted them all in a little clump next to her storage shed.  We've been waiting all summer long for them to bloom. 
5. Crows make me smile.  Some people find them to be a nuisance but I enjoy their antics and they enjoy the peanuts I leave out for them every morning.  Earlier this summer there was some guy that pulled up in a truck and was actually shooting a pellet gun at them aiming right towards out house.  I was so shocked that I didn't get his license plate number but we realized he lives just down the street from us so if it ever happens again you can bet you bottom dollar (does anyone use that expression any more?) that I'll turn him in.
The statements:
  1. Living in_____ makes me______
  2. Wondering what will happen always makes me ___________
  3. Looking back I would have ______
  4. Listening to_____ makes me feel_____
My answers:
1.  Living in my hometown makes me very happy.  I grew up here and have never considered living anywhere else.
2.  Wondering what will happen always makes me a major worrier.  I try not to worry but I think it's in my blood.
3.  Looking back I would have finished college and got my teaching degree.
Instead I bought a car and had to find a job to pay for it.  From there life went on and I never went back to college.
4.  Listening to Music makes me feel Joyous, Relaxed, Calm.
That's it for me today.  I hope you've enjoyed your stay.  Have a fabulous weekend.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Good Fences - The Lewis and Clark Edition

I'm excited to finally be back participating in Theresa's  (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report)  GOOD FENCES meme.

On Sunday (17) we decided to take a little drive about 45 out of town to visit a little spot we'd heard about but had never seen before.  This is what we found.

Click to Enlarge all photos.

My mom and Coleen enjoying learning about this part of history.

These two horses set up on a hill outside of the main sculpture area.

Mike reading one of the 3 informational signs/plaques that tell about the sight.

A closer view of the sign he was reading with the figures in the background.

A close-up of some of the figures.  I just missed getting William Clark in this shot so in the next photo I've cropped another photo to include his figure.

William Clark is the figure directly behind the two horses in the front center of the photo and Lewis Meriwether is the figure in the middle next to the dog in the front of the photo.

 Here is another close-up in which I included Meriwether.  The woman behind next to the fire area is Sacagawea or as I learned her name,  Sacajawea,  the Indian woman who served as an Interpreter for the expedition.

This last shot was taken by my hubby.  Since I'm so rarely in front of the camera I asked him to take my picture so I could prove that I was there as well.

As you can see a Fence did border the area so it fits today's Meme even though it's more about the site then the fence.  -  Have a great day.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wild and Wordless

Welcome.    Did that title grab your attention?

Today I'll be participating in Wild Bird Wednesday &

 Wordless Wednesday.

So without further ado....

Edited to add:  Thanks Theresa (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report) for identify my doves as: 
Eurasian Collared Doves.

I'm not sure what type of Doves these are (can somebody help me identify) but they come every day for the seeds I leave out for the birds.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Good, The Random, The Fun

Happy Monday!  -  Today I thought I would join Tamar (Random-osity) for The Good. The Random. The Fun.

I'm not sure my post fits the idea but I'm going with it anyway.

I like to cook & bake and try new recipes.  This weekend I tried,
Peach, Blackberry Cobbler.  You can find the recipe HERE:

First you need some GOOD fruit:  What's really good is that we have fresh, local produce to enjoy all summer long.

 Next you RANDOMLY mix them all up and add some dough

Then you have the FUN of Baking It and Eating it!  (Sorry I don't have any pictures of myself eating it but you can see the end result.)

A Funny little story...all the time I was preparing and baking this dessert I was taking photographs to share.  As I got into bed that night I realized one important thing.....I forgot to get any pictures of the dessert being served and eaten!  -  Thank goodness there were left-overs and this morning I managed to get a half way decent shot of the cobbler before I ate it for breakfast!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Camera Critters and Saturday's Critters

Wow it is so good to be back!  Click to Enlarge Photos

Joining in with Eileen (Viewing Nature) for Saturday's Critters and also Camera Critters.

I've had these photos in my files since May and just haven't gotten around to posting them yet.

We took a little drive (My mom, Coleen and I) one afternoon and on our way home we spotted these deer on a hillside so I pulled over and snapped a few pictures.

I love seeing deer in the wild and actually being able to photograph them.
The one on the left was really checking me out.  The one on the right said, "Who cares, let's eat!"
This one showed up to join the party.
Now we are really being watched.
Finally they decided they were tired of me snapping their picture so off they went.
I hope you enjoyed seeing them as much as we did.  I love the "White-Tail" deer in our part of the country.  Edit:  Thanks to Brian (Brian King Images) he helped identify these deer as Mule rather then White-Tail)  We have both in our area.  Another post here:  Shows the White-Tail.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Hooray for Friday

Hello Everyone.  It feels so good to be back blogging again.  I want to thank everyone that stopped by and left comments about the wedding.  Also for your patience with me during my blog break in preparation for the wedding.  I missed you all and am very happy to be back blogging again.

Today I thought I would try out a couple of new (to me) memes that I found.  Feline Friday hosted by Steve (Burnt Food Dude).  This is my first time visiting his blog (but not my last).

Our newest cat, Spooky-boo hiding under a towel on the bathroom floor.

Feline Friday is easy to do. All you have to do is post a picture of a cat on your website. It could be a photo of your pet cat, a LOL cat or a drawn picture.

Grab the code and paste it on your page.

Add a link to your cat page.

(Note: You will be able to add your page link from 12:15 am (00:15) East Coast USA time on Friday to 11:55 pm (23:55) Sunday night

1. BFDude  8. Uncle Skip  
2. bethere2day  9. messymimi  
3. Kitty Par-TAY  10. Guest Bloggers Wanted @ MGR  
4. GrammyMouseTails  11. Teddy Here  
5. Ida P. Krause  12. NOLADawn  
6. Kathe W.  13. CREATE WITH JOY w LINKY  
7. Mike Golch  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


I also discovered this meme:  Feline Art hosted by Julie (Kitty Par-Tay)

For my piece today I went simple.  I took the above photo, used the Posterize feature on Pic Monkey, a Circle Frame and Photo corners and came up with this:

Also joining  Hilary (Feeling Beachie) for Follow Friday for Fill-In Fun.

The statements:
  1. 1. ___ is my least ____
  2. 2. When I was ___ I thought _____
  3. 3. My worst subject in high school was ___
  4. 4. I write best ____.
My answers:

1.  Winter is my least favorite season (I never look forward to it.)

2.  When I was little  I thought you could taste rain so I licked the sidewalk.  It's not very tasty!

3. My worst subject in High School was  Math.  Not just High School but through out college too.

4.  I write best when no one is around to interrupt me.

Wishing everyone a great weekend.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Wedding Day (Yes, I survived!)

It's over,  Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!

We married her off on Saturday.  -  I had my camera there but didn't take many pictures (just so much other stuff going on).  They had a photographer so when those pictures come back I'll share them with you all.  In the mean time here are the few I took.

The Wedding Arch decorated with sunflowers.

Sunflower bouquets border both sides of the arch way.

Greta's bouquet - The ring tied to the flowers was my dad's ring and she used it for her something Old and something Borrowed.  It made me feel as if he was there too.

Coleen (her mommy's Maid of Honor) holding her mom's bouquet.

Mckenzie and Coleen

Reciting the vows.  Kelly was so nervous that he barely looked at Greta during the vows.

The kiss! -  At the rehearsal they just gave each other a quick peck on the lips and Coleen shouted out,  "Kiss longer at the wedding!"  -  They did.

The Newlyweds:  Kelly & Greta Hinkley

The wedding party:  Mckenzie, (Kelly's daughter) who was the Flower Girl
Coleen, The Maid of Honor,  Hunter (Kelly's son, in the hat) was the Best Man and Tyler (Grooms Nephew) served as Ring Bearer.

Guess the Best Man didn't get much sleep the night before! 

The cake before we brought it outside to be cut.

Cutting the cake

Feeding each other.

The bride and her dad with the Harley!

It was a gorgeous day,  about 88 outside (very warm) but we had shade and fans and yet I got sunburnt.

It was a wonderful wedding but I'm so thankful it's over and everyone has gone home and the house is once again quiet.  I'll be back blogging on a regular basis very soon.

Thanks for letting me share this special day with you all.