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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Good Fences - October 23, 2014

Welcome! -  I have been absent most of this week from my blog and also from visiting, commenting on your blogs.  Sometimes "life" happens and that's what took place this week.  I'm sorry for lack of commenting on your blogs and I hope to be back at that this week. 

So now with that being said let's join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

Coleen and I were out and about taking photos when we spotted a couple of interesting fence scenes.

Here some tomato vines are cascading over this wrought iron fence.

We really liked this little bird house sitting above this fence.

Now be sure to pop in and check out all the other great fences, there are lots of them.  You won't be disappointed.


  1. Nice photos! Love the fence with the bird house on it.

  2. I love the birdhouse on the post. What a unique little place, and I'll bet the birds love it for it's antique appearance. ;-)

  3. love the iron fence, the red is a good pop of color. that little bird house is adorable, so quaint and cute..

  4. Pretty! That bird house is adorable. Did you pick those ruby red tomatoes and eat them? I would have been tempted! :)

  5. The tomatoes and fence are pretty and I love the birdhouse.. Great fence finds.. Enjoy your evening and the weekend ahead!

  6. Tomato vines on a wrought iron fence! How great is that!? Both photos are wonderful!

  7. Lovely fences and neat-looking bird house!

  8. Love the birdhouse - great pops of rich green!

  9. Great fence shots..makes me want some fresh tomatoes.

  10. Love everyone of these fences especially the bird house sitting on the fence. Great shots. Hug B

  11. These are gorgeous photos, my friend. Hug.

  12. I really like both of these shots. Showing just enough of the fence without being overwhelming.

  13. Beautiful shots. I like the birdhouse too.

  14. That's quite a contrast - tomatoes growing over a wrought-iron fence; at least not what one would expect to see! :)

    Very cute birdhouse.


  15. Very nice! That's a great birdhouse!

  16. Hi Ida,
    Both the photos are lovely.
    The fence is pretty against the green background and the red tomatoes. The birdhouse is fiery.

    Thanks for sharing your joy with all of us.

    Peace :)

  17. Love love the fences! The tomato plants on wrought iron is a particularly beautiful photo. I know all about Life happening. Sometimes you just have to put certain things on hold.

  18. Hi Ida, two lovely photos for Good Fences. I enjoyed them both for different reasons, the trailing vine in one and the bird house in the other. Very pretty shots. Have a great weekend :)

  19. nature will conquer these things if left alone

  20. I really like the weathered look of that little birdhouse . I hope the birds do too!

  21. REALLY fascinating scene to see 'tomato vines cascading over wrought iron fence'♡♡♡
    Love your pic of focused bird house on the fence as well; very colorful,isn't it(^_^)v

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  22. Very pretty, especially the bird house!

  23. Life does happen sometimes! Don't sweat it. I love that kind of wrought iron fence and with tomatoes growing on it--even better!! I hope you have a great weekend!

  24. Hi there! Love the fence photos you shared especially the one with the birdhouse. Have a great day!

  25. You did, indeed, find some interesting fence scenes, Ida. They are both unique and lovely. Hope all is well and that your short break was for good things ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  26. Lovely little house Ida.That would sell for a million pounds in London.

    Hope you're back on song now.

  27. What lovely fences! I can truly relate to life cutting in on the blogging time. Hope all is well and you have a relaxing weekend.

  28. lol, I would say they are overgrown. But from what can be seen the fences is nice. :)

  29. Hi Ida! I'm sorry I have missed so many of your posts in the last week - I had a lovely time scrolling through your pretty pictures.

    Yesterday was the link-up for the tea cup and mug exchange on my blog. I would certainly love seeing what you received. Hugs to you, friend!

  30. Oh how lovely! The birdhouse is so cute and I really like to see the tomatoes spilling over this beautiful iron fence.

  31. Number one photo is my favorite for today -- those are my kind of fences cause they stay looking good for many years ahead..

  32. LOVE the birdhouse! that is so lovely.
    fences really do make interesting subjects. I lean towards the rustic ones I think, but they all an interesting perspective to a landscape.

  33. ...that tomato vine through the wrought iron fencing is new to me. I've never seen 'em growing on a fence before. Good 'catch'.

  34. great fence finds...i am lovin' this bird house, on a fence, idea i keep seeing. the pops of red on number one is so pretty!!!

  35. Beautiful photos! And what a lovely little birdhouse!


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