Today I am joining Nancy (A Rural Journal) for the return of her meme,

I'll also be joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) for her meme, WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY 5
So you will be getting double the fun here today.
1. First off I need to let you all know that my hubby had to return to the hospital yesterday. Which is why I never got around to finishing up visiting all the Good Fences posts. - He ended up having to undergo an Angiogram with the possibility of having a Stent put in. The outcome showed he has good function with the arteries on the left side of his heart but that the right side was blocked to the point they could not insert a stent. One good thing they told us is that the arteries on his left side are trying to by-pass on their own for the ones on the blocked right side. I hope this all makes sense to you as it was rather confusing to me. He will need to of course be on medication now and will see the Cardiologist as schedule on Monday for further information on his condition and what can be done about it.
Cuddles enjoying some afternoon sunshine.
2. Sitting around in hospital waiting rooms is boring. Thank goodness I took a book with me and it was decent reading. The only thing that bugged me while I was waiting was the older volunteer sitting at the waiting area desk munching on potato chips. I was already on edge and her crunching those chips was quite annoying.
A sign of of my poppy plants is up and looking might green.
3. Coleen has had the past 2 days off from school for Conferences, what a bummer for her to have her Grandpa back in the hospital but she's done well handling it. We were pleased that she had a great report from her teacher and is making good grades at school and gaining confidence in herself.
More signs of spring....My first daffodils to bloom.
4. I so need to spend some time outside getting the weeds and leaves cleared out of the beds. I've had other things though way more important then weeds to deal with so I'll get to it when I can.
My from around the neighborhood "creepy" yard decor that I've spotted.
5. I got pulled over on Wednesday. Scared me to death as I was doing anything wrong. I asked the officer, "What did I do?" - He said, "Nothing, your driving is just fine. I happened to notice though that it looks like your license tabs have expired." - I told him hubby usually takes care of that and he just gave me a warning and told me to get a hold of my hubby then and get the plates put on. Whew!

6. I ended up going to the Dept. of Licensing to renew the tabs and we ended up having to get new plates. The lady behind the desk was rather "rude" to me and that set me off. I must admit I'm not normally rude back to people but I ended up saying something to her on my way out the door that wasn't very polite and I even slammed the door to the office. I know childish but I'd already had a bad morning with getting pulled over and it just popped out of my mouth.
7. I started watching The Amazing Race this week. If you watch what do you think of the fact they paired up "random" couples to compete with each other on a sort of Blind Date race. There were also 5 already dating couples.
A fun means of transportation that went by our house last week.
8. The weather has been decent here lately. No rain or snow (hooray) and even a few nice sunny days. Of course it's suppose to turn off cold this week and possibly even snow in the higher elevations. That's good because the mountains could use the snow. I just hope it stays in the higher elevations.
Ducks enjoying some nice spring weather at the park.
9. There is road construction on one of the main streets in town. What a pain as it's hard to get around all the detours etc...but also it's good because there are tons of streets here in town that need major repair work. Our street included. It's like riding on a roller-coaster when you hit some of the bumps and such.
10. We've been letting Eric (the cat) in at night for a couple of hours and have even let him in a few minutes with the other cats every now and then. He likes coming in but is unsure of all our other cats. So far the most they've done is hiss at him and then he wants right back out. We hope to someday have him come in on a more regular basis.
Our Callie-Jo looking rather "goofy"
Enjoy your weekend. I'm off to the hospital to check in on hubby. Hopefully he gets to come home today.