This weeks song: Two of Us by Aimee Mann.
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A view of the highway on our way back home. If you look up on the top of that rock bluff you will see the Vista house. - I took this out the front window while hubby was driving. - We certainly have shared a lot of memories together & made more with the rest of the family one this trip and back home.
SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY - You can check out this fun meme on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photo's.
This weeks prompts: Rule of Thirds, Made Me Smile, Lines, Alone and Together.
RULE OF THIRDS: This is a photography rule and one that should be easy to master but I'm never really sure if I have it right or not.
My great-nephew, Andrew was the Flower Boy/Ring Bearer at my niece, Krissy's wedding. Shortly after this photo was taken he was dive bombed by Seagulls who thought he was dropping food on the sand!
MADE ME SMILE: We spotted a man and his rather large dog while visiting Bonneville Dam on our way home Sunday afternoon. He let us take some pictures and this one made me smile. Check out the look in Coleen's eyes.
The dog's name was, Bear and he's an Alaskan Malamute.
LINES: Spotted this creature in front of the Gift Shop. I love the colorful lines on it's underbelly and the lines from the board it's crossing.
Turns out this is a, Red Slug also known as Arion Rufus This thing was at least 3-4 inches long and a good inch wide.
ALONE: This is one of my favorite images from our trip.
This is my oldest brother Russell standing all alone looking out at the waves coming in off the ocean just before the wedding started.
My niece, Krissy & her new husband, Jeff united "together" in marriage on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - This wasn't the official ceremony kiss photo but rather one taken after the ceremony and here they decided to rub noses, which I thought was rather cute and sweet.
That's it for this week. Please stop by both these blogs and visit the other participants. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I will do my best to drop by yours and leave comments as time allows.