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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 1

 It's November and I thought that I'd (try) to post every day this month.  Not just any post but a post about being Thankful and Grateful for all the blessings in my life.  I hope to encourage you to do the same.

Today I am thankful I was able to walk around the block and take a few photos (this is one of them) before it started raining.

I'm also thankful for this sweet little girl who brings a lot of joy into my life.

Thanks for dropping by.  Don't forget to count your blessings.


  1. Oh the little one is most adorable. Joy indeed.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Ida. ♥

  2. Counting your blessings = gratitude, which is one of my favorite things :)

  3. A great idea for the month. Jo Jo is absolutely adorable. I love that last picture. So cute.

  4. that is the cutest kitty EVER! so precious, what a super costume. glad you got to walk and snap... i did 10 minutes of that yesterday when I left the library


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