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Monday, November 6, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 6

 Welcome to the start of another week. 

Things I am thankful for today:

1.  I remembered to post! - Even if it's a bit late in the day.
2.  I was able to vacuum and move some furniture out of the way without hurting myself (that's always a plus)
3. The sun was out (off and on) today between rain squalls.
4.  I went out for a short walk and got some more pictures.  
Those are just small things but even the small things can be big things if you look at it with a positive mind.
Enjoy the rest of your week.


  1. You post reminds me of the quote that goes: "Some day we will look back on the little things, and realize they were really the big things."

  2. It's the small things that can make such a difference in a day. Love that photo

  3. i do three of these every day, #2 I can't do and now neither can bob or even both of us together. our furniture is stuck where i has been for 15 years. I am thankful I have furniture. ha ha


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